SELF Conf Moscow
"New Reality"

soft skills for teachers
a training conference
29 June 2024

a training conference for ELT practitioners

How much do you know about skills required for new reality?

We are excited to invite you to be a part of this dynamic and transformative event, where we will focus on enhancing soft skills and sharing teachers' experience.

We want to provide a supportive environment not only to learn more about soft skills, but also to practice them with colleagues, under the guidance and supervision of our speakers.

SELF Conf Moscow brings together passionate educators to learn, collaborate and inspire one another.

Why should you attend SELF Conf?


Develop Powerful Soft Skills

In today's rapidly evolving educational landscape, teaching goes beyond following a textbook.
The conference will equip you with the essential skills to engage and inspire your students and colleagues, fostering meaningful connections in the classroom and beyond.

Master the Art of Effective Self-management

Explore innovative techniques and practical strategies to boost your own set of soft skills and create a healthy classroom environment. Discover new approaches to encourage student participation, cultivate critical thinking, and build confidence in using the English language for different age groups.

Learn from Renowned Experts

Gain insights from respected speakers and renowned ELT practitioners who have excelled in promoting communicative skills. Benefit from their extensive expertise and take away valuable tools and techniques to implement immediately in your professional life.

Connect and Collaborate

Network with like-minded professionals, exchange ideas, and collaborate on future projects. The conference provides a unique opportunity to build a strong network within the ELT community.

Experience an Immersive English Language Environment

By participating in SELF Conf Moscow, you will plunge into an English-speaking environment, providing an ideal opportunity to practice and enhance your own language skills.
Don't miss out on this invaluable opportunity to accelerate your professional growth and make a lasting impact on yourself. Launch a professional boost!

Meet our speakers!

  • Изображение
    Ekaterina Van

    Ekaterina is currently teaching in China. She held a speaking class for 85 students aged 15-17. 
    She holds TKT 1, 2, 3, YL, and CLIL certifications. She has 2 master's degrees (one of them is in speech therapy). 
    Her current academic interests are teaching people with dyslexia
  • Изображение
    Nataliya Sachkova

    An experienced English teacher with 22 years of professional background. I have been teaching everything from elementary school to exam preparation courses.
    Passionate about helping students achieve their full potential by conducting engaging and challenging classes. I have served as a head of the foreign department at my school for 10 years. Also Natalia is a coordinator of the Public Speaking Contest by MELTA. 
     I never stop learning. This year I obtained a degree in Coaching and Neurolinguistics and immediately started using new knowledge at my lessons.
    Certificates: TKT, CAT, TRINITY TESOL, EGE expert

  • Изображение
    Maxim Gusev

    Maxim Gusev graduated from Moscow State Linguistic University in 2015 and has been teaching languages (English and Spanish) in various educational institutions and to students of different ages ever since. In 2017, he successfully completed a CELTA course. Maxim has worked as a teacher in private kindergartens, schools, educational centers, and universities both online and offline. He has conducted lessons and teacher training workshops in Russia, Latvia, Georgia, and Spain. Over the last few years, he has worked as an academic coordinator at a private primary school in Moscow and academic director at a private school in Tbilisi.

  • Изображение
    Anna Zavalishina

    English language teacher, facilitator of the English Anonymous discussion club, and solution-oriented consultant

    Speaker at professional conferences and a bilingual mom, CELTA, CPE, IH VYL, SFBT-certified

    With over 15 years of teaching experience and 9 years in freelancing, Anna places special emphasis on soft skills, including fostering effective communication in international companies

  • Изображение
    Katerina Panfilova

    Head of project and community SELF, advocate of self-care and anti-burnout for teachers

    A teacher-polyglot who studies brain and soft skills and conducts master-mind sessions

    An internationally certified neurointegration trainer and playback theatre practitioner

  • Изображение
    Yulia Alekseeva 

    A professional teacher of English. Possesses a Certificate of Advanced training in Psychology (psychological counseling and psychotherapy). Studies psychology. Has experience of 15years of teaching (Alibra school, pedagogical university and private students), possesses CPE certificate, BEC Higher, TKT. Works with teenagers and adults. Sells her own materials to English teachers. Professional area of interests includes history, languages, psychology. Ambitious and charismatic.
  • Изображение
    Natalia Borzykh

    With over 15 years of teaching experience, Natalia, a Senior Lecturer at MSPU on MA programme, has expertise in various English proficiency exams including TOEFL, CAE, CPE. 
    Holding a full Cambridge DELTA, her academic interests include IELTS syllabus, listening skills, and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL).
  • Изображение
    Alexandra Malichenko

    A CELTA-certified English teacher with 14 years of teaching experience. As a teacher trainer has observed more than 80 lessons and helped more than 150 teachers. A speaker of big Russian conferences and an organizer of a huge international conference. When she is not working or wrangling her children, enjoys writing poetry and taking singing classes.
  • Изображение
    Nadezhda Almaeva

    Nadezhda used to work at Cambridge English Authorized Preparation and Exam Centre for 9 years and at university for 5 years.
    She has been teaching high-level English and providing online exam preparation since May 2022.
    She is a methodology-lover, actively participates in ELT events, study reflection and soft skills. C2, TKT, TESOL and Train the Trainer certificates.
    Founder of a charitable project "Eco-speaking club"
  • Изображение
    Yulia Bondarchuk

    Yulia is currently working at one of the best private schools in Moscow region– Pavlovskaya Gymnasium. She has extremely varied experience, from teaching VYL to teaching corporate clients and having a short stint as an academic director. 
    I have been teaching teens in groups almost exclusively for the last 5 years. In that time, I have managed to accumulate enough knowledge about teens as well as soft skills that help me deal with them as individuals. 
    Mentor at hr school’s internship programme. 

    Join us on June, 29 2024 and be part of a professional community committed to developing effective soft skills.
    Participate in the workshops and learn from the talks of our speakers.


    till the conference

    till the conference

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is SELF?
    SELF (Study, Enjoy, Love, Focus) is a project for teachers from Russia. It includes a private supportive club for teachers, events to enhance their skills, a number of conferences throughout the year and a cozy community, being a part of which you can obtain feedback and operational support, as well as useful networking and cultural recreation.
    What topics will be covered?
    Our speakers will give talks and workshops on various aspects of soft skills needed nowadays: well-being, what language and tone to use to convey a message, how to plan and be disciplined, dealing with fixed mindset, aspects of working with different age groups.
    The speakers will share effective life-hacks from personal experience in order to build soft-skills for teaching and teacher-student and teacher-teacher relationships.
    Why is it a training conference?
    SELF Conf Moscow is designed as a training conference to provide educators with valuable professional development opportunities. The conference offers a range of workshops, presentations, and space for discussions that focus on enhancing teaching skills and knowledge in the field of soft skills. By participating in the training sessions, attendees can gain new insights, learn innovative instructional strategies and acquire practical tools to enhance their effectiveness.
    Why is the conference held in English?
    The conference is held in English because it provides an immersive and authentic language learning experience for participants. Additionally, it creates an inclusive environment where educators from different countries and backgrounds can come together to share ideas and collaborate effectively.
    Where will the conference be held?
    It will be held in Moscow at Paveletskaya metro station AND online on Zoom.
    Is it possible to join online? I don't have the opportunity to visit the conference face-to-face.
    Yes, it is! There will be a Zoom meeting link in your e-mail confirming your participation. Please note that it is still a synchronous event, there will be a recording too. All the talks will be broadcasted via Zoom right from the venue.
    Why are you collecting the name and the surname of the participants in English when registering for the conference?
    We need your name&surname in English for the entry (offline and on Zoom) and the certificates. For the offline participants there will be a printed certificate, for the online participants – a digital one.

    Programme and timing

    09:30 — 09:55
    Registration of the participants
    09:55 — 10:00
    Greetings and How to
    10:00 — 10:30
    Anna Zavalishina
    New reality-from VUCA to BANI. Survival guide
    What is the difference between VUCA and BANI frameworks?
    Participants will take a look at the skills required for the new reality teachers, such as empathy, mindfulness, resilience, adaptivity.

    10:30 — 11:00
    Nadezhda Almaeva
    From offline to online: rebooting the career when you don't have a blog
    Life from scratch is always difficult, but insanely interesting! My life turned upside down when in May 2022 I began my online career from the very beginning after 11 years of offline work! During my presentation, I will share my personal story and real examples of how to start an online journey, how to present yourself in the online space, and how to network with colleagues both online and offline.
    Yulia Alekseeva
    Teachers' mental health in the age of blogging and online studying. Ultimate survival strategies.
    The topic is relevant these days, because the teaching profession requires daily dedication, constant interaction with other people, solving problems with students and their parents. Besides, nowadays we spend too much time in front of our computers; most teachers have to be bloggers and use all the modern technologies, master AI... It’s overwhelming, even for self-employed teachers. All these things lead to emotional burnout and mental exhaustion.
    My talk is aimed at explaining how to return the resource every day but not just spend it. I’m going to describe my personal experience. There will be some interaction with the audience, certain psychological exercises (through creativity and “unlocking” spontaneity). Special practices will also be studied, some of which can be carried out during the speech.

    Katerina Panfilova
    Soft skills compass
    Everyone talks about soft skills and how important they are, but how about some clarity on how and which ones to develop? There is an instrument just for that!
    Coffee break
    Ekaterina Van
    Unlocking Potential: Nurturing Growth Mindsets in Adult English Language Learners
    In this presentation, we explore effective strategies for teaching English to adult students who may have a fixed mindset. We begin by understanding the concept of a growth mindset and its implications for language learning. By fostering a growth mindset environment, teachers can encourage adult learners to embrace challenges, persist through difficulties, and ultimately achieve language proficiency. Practical techniques such as promoting effort over innate ability, providing constructive feedback, setting achievable goals, and creating a supportive classroom culture are discussed. By implementing these strategies, teachers can empower adult learners to recognize their potential for growth and success in English language acquisition.
    Alexandra Malichenko
    Building Safety and Confidence: Strategies for Teaching English to Adults with Mental Health Challenges
    This workshop will explore effective techniques and approaches for educators working with adult learners who are facing mental health conditions. All methods are applicable to learners with no special needs. Participants will learn how to create a supportive and inclusive environment that fosters confidence and empowers individuals to succeed in their English language learning journey. Through practical tips and strategies, attendees will gain valuable insights on how to tailor their teaching methods to meet the unique needs of adults with mental health challenges (PTSD, bipolar disorder, ADHD). The speaker will also share experience on teacher's self-repair after such 1-to-1 classes.
    Maxim Gusev
    Verbal strategies for effective communication with children
    This workshop aims to equip participants with practical tools and techniques for choosing effective verbal strategies when communicating with children aged 5-10 years old. The workshop will cover the importance of verbal strategies, understanding non-constructive child behavior, applying positive feedback principles, and practicing strategies for addressing typical cases of non-constructive behavior in children. Participants will gain insights into why children break rules and how to address it constructively, and develop confidence in communicating with children in a way that promotes positive interactions and growth.
    Yulia Bondarchuk
    Fighting Disappointment: what to expect and NOT to expect from teens
    Have you ever prepared an absolutely amazing lesson that you expected your students to love, but the reaction turned out to be a huge let-down? Have you ever reminded a student approximately three hundred times to do something, but they don't do it, seemingly on purpose? Who hasn't, right? We feel disheartened and disappointed, start doubting our professionalism. Or, alternatively, decide not to make any effort. Why should we, if they don't appreciate it either way? In my talk we will discuss what to expect from our teen students and what not to avoid feeling as described above.
    To get back to senses :)
    Natalia Borzykh
    CPD: A balancing act
    - Being proactive in burnout prevention
    - Emotional Intelligence in burnout management (sharing my delta journey + motherhood)
    - Your energy source is in your routine (eat, sleep, work out)
    - Reasons for procrastination and ways of thinking around it
    Natalia Sachkova
    Self-disciplined teacher is a happy teacher
    Self-discipline is a crucial trait for teachers to possess in order to be effective educators. It requires the ability to control one's impulses, emotions, and actions in order to stay focused on the demands of teaching. Teachers must have the self-discipline to create engaging lesson plans, manage classroom behavior, and provide timely feedback to students. They must also have the discipline to continuously improve their teaching skills through professional development and reflection. Self-discipline allows teachers to stay organized, meet deadlines, and handle the challenges of the classroom with grace and composure. Ultimately, self-discipline is essential for maintaining professionalism and creating a positive learning environment for students.
    Questions, sharing and closure
    Goodbyes and selfies

    If you have a promo code, choose your ticket by clicking a button below and then search for the symbol of a basket in the lower right corner. Click it, follow the steps and don't forget to confirm your discount. You will see the price change before you pay.

    Tickents available:

    ONLINE 29 June Ticket

    - on Zoom, with a moderator
    - you will see the presentation AND the speakers in the conference hall
    - the sound will be transmitted as it is from the conference hall (our speakers will be using microphones)
    - videos & presentations within 2 weeks afterwards

    MOSCOW Ticket

    - offline participation on June, 29 in Moscow
    - pracrtical sessin and networking
    - all recordings & presentations
    - a printed certificate of attendance

    COMBO: SELF Conf 24-28 June + 29 June Ticket

    - offline or online participation on June, 29 in Moscow
    - online participation on June, 24-28
    - presents and bonuses from speakers of SELF Conf
    - all recordings & presentations
    - a certificate of attendance

    Please use your valid e-mail. This is our only way of communication. We'll be writing from our official e-mail
    There is a group discount (10% for 3, 15% for 4 and more).

    Shall you have any questions, please connect with the organising team via e-mail or social networks.

    The venue

    Moscow, metro station Paveletskaya / Serpukhovskaya
    Stremyannyj pereulok, 11
    June, 29 2024

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