SELF Conf Moscow
Communicative Skills for Teachers

a training conference
2 March 2024

a training conference for ELT practitioners

How much do you know about communicative skills?

We are excited to invite you to be a part of this dynamic and transformative event, where we will focus on enhancing communicative skills as a group within soft skills.

We want to provide a supportive environment not only to learn more about this set of skills, but also to practice them with colleagues, under the guidance and supervision of of our speakers.

SELF Conf Moscow brings together passionate educators to learn, collaborate and inspire one another.

Why should you attend SELF Conf?


Develop Powerful Soft Skills

In today's rapidly evolving educational landscape, teaching goes beyond following a textbook.
The conference will equip you with the essential communicative skills to engage and inspire your students and colleagues, fostering meaningful connections in the classroom and beyond.

Master the Art of Effective Communication

Explore innovative techniques and practical strategies to boost your own communicative skills and create a communicative classroom environment. Discover new approaches to encourage student participation, cultivate critical thinking, and build confidence in using the English language.

Learn from Renowned Experts

Gain insights from respected speakers and renowned ELT practitioners who have excelled in promoting communicative skills. Benefit from their extensive expertise and take away valuable tools and techniques to implement immediately in your professional life.

Connect and Collaborate

Network with like-minded professionals, exchange ideas, and collaborate on future projects. The conference provides a unique opportunity to build a strong network within the ELT community.

Experience an Immersive English Language Environment

By participating in SELF Conf Moscow, you will plunge into an English-speaking environment, providing an ideal opportunity to practice and enhance your own language skills.
Don't miss out on this invaluable opportunity to accelerate your professional growth and make a lasting impact on yourself. Launch a professional boost!

Meet our speakers!

  • Изображение
    Sofia Malyugina

    Teacher trainer with over 15 years’ experience in teaching English

    Co-author of “Metodika 101” course on teaching English as a foreign language (100+ teachers)

    Mentor for experts who want to develop their brand on social media and launch their own courses

    Speaker at YARCONF, Trendy English, ProgressMe and other conferences.

    since 2018: @sofia_metod

  • Изображение
    Yelena Tsimbalyuk

    A Teacher of High-Levels

    Methodologist and Course-Developer with over 20 years of experience in teaching adult-students, most of whom are teacher-learner

    An internationally certified Teacher Trainer holding a Master’s degree in TESOL

  • Изображение
    Alexey Lebedev 

    Swedish teacher with 11 years of experience

    Public speaking consultant

    International conference speaker and moderator

    Singer, actor and a bit of a stand-up comedian
  • Изображение
    Anna Zavalishina

    English language teacher, facilitator of the English Anonymous discussion club, and solution-oriented consultant

    Speaker at professional conferences and a bilingual mom, CELTA, CPE, IH VYL, SFBT-certified

    With over 15 years of teaching experience and 9 years in freelancing, Anna places special emphasis on soft skills, including fostering effective communication in international companies

  • Изображение
    Katerina Panfilova

    Head of project and community SELF, advocate of self-care and anti-burnout for teachers

    A teacher-polyglot who studies brain and soft skills and conducts master-mind sessions

    An internationally certified neurointegration trainer and playback theatre practitioner

  • Изображение
    Yulia Svetikova 

    Co-founder of Fresh Start language centre

    A producer of Trendy English conferences and a consultant in educational business

    Professional areas of interest include service design, HR, management of change
  • Изображение
    Vera Bobkova

    Teacher trainer since 2008, mentor for educators

    Qualifications in education, psychology and marketing.
    Vera works with teachers who want to enjoy their work and stay stable mentally and financially.

    DELTA Modules 1&2, CPE Grade A

    Won 15 educational grants.
    Worked with teenage groups for 15 years at top schools in Moscow. Coordinated international program for teenagers “Access” for 4 years. 

    Blog at @verabobkova, a TG channel «Бобкова у микрофона» about personal marketing.
    Found home for 36 cats, organized recycling at 2 schools.

    Join us on March, 2 2024 and be part of a professional community committed to developing effective communicative skills.
    Participate in the workshops and learn from the talks of our speakers.


    till the conference

    till the conference

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is SELF?
    SELF (Study, Enjoy, Love, Focus) is a project for teachers from Russia. It includes a private supportive club for teachers, events to enhance their skills, a number of conferences throughout the year and a cozy community, being a part of which you can obtain feedback and operational support, as well as useful networking and cultural recreation.
    What topics will be covered?
    Our speakers will give talks and workshops on various aspects of communicative skills: how to present yourself, what language to use to convey a message, how to give and receive feedback, how to deal with conflicts etc.
    The speakers will share effective life-hacks from personal experience in order to build soft-skills for teaching and teacher-student and teacher-teacher relationships.
    Why is it a training conference?
    SELF Conf Moscow is designed as a training conference to provide educators with valuable professional development opportunities. The conference offers a range of workshops, presentations, and space for discussions that focus on enhancing teaching skills and knowledge in the field of soft and communicative skills. By participating in the training sessions, attendees can gain new insights, learn innovative instructional strategies and acquire practical tools to enhance their effectiveness.
    Why is the conference held in English?
    The conference is held in English because it provides an immersive and authentic language learning experience for participants. Additionally, it creates an inclusive environment where educators from different countries and backgrounds can come together to share ideas and collaborate effectively.
    Where will the conference be held?
    It will be held in Moscow at Paveletskaya metro station AND online on Zoom.
    Is it possible to join online? I don't have the opportunity to visit the conference face-to-face.
    Yes, it is! There will be a Zoom meeting link in your e-mail confirming your participation. Please note that it is still a synchronous event, there will be no recording. There will be moderators to organise the practical part of the workshops in Zoom session rooms. All the talks will be broadcasted via Zoom right from the venue.
    Why are you collecting the name and the surname of the participants in English when registering for the conference?
    We need your name&surname in English for the entry (offline and on Zoom) and the certificates. For the offline participants there will be a printed certificate, for the online participants – an electronic one.

    Programme and timing

    09:30 — 09:55
    Registration of the participants
    10:00 — 10:10
    Greetings and How to
    10:10 — 10:40
    Sofia Malyugina
    Communication flexibility for teachers
    What makes a good teacher apart from their expertise? How to protect your interests in teacher-student relationship, but still manage to nip a conflict in the bud? Where is that fine line between adaptability and poor boundaries?
    These are the questions that we’ll try to answer during my talk on communication flexibility for teachers.

    10:40 — 11:10
    Katerina Panfilova
    Teamwork skills: verbal and non-verbal communication
    The skill of teaming up with other people is closely connected to EI (emotional intelligence). This can be referred to both classroom environment and life. There are always 2 sides (giver-receiver) and 3 levels (personal, interpersonal, social) of communication. In this practical talk we will take a look at teamwork from the point of view of communicative skills and see the amount of non-verbal communication in this process.
    Alexey Lebedev
    First impression is key
    We all know that self-presentation is key nowadays. We have to do everything to make us look good. How can we do it in a more creative and memorable way?
    We will talk and try 5 different techniques of how to present ourselves to new people. You will leave the room with ready-made pitches and easy techniques of making the first impression of you exciting and spectacular for anybody you meet.
    Coffee break
    Anna Zavalishina
    Mastering the Gray Area: Why Hedge?
    Unlock the transformative power of communication with this presentation. Explore the subtle nuances that define politeness, learn effective communication strategies, and discover how cultivating politeness can enhance personal and professional relationships.

    Vera Bobkova
    How to Talk So Kids Can Learn
    What if your student/child complains they find it painful to study? What if they openly hate English? What if they regularly ‘forget’ your assignments? What if there’s tension and your students simply don’t want to study/learn by heart/better marks..? Communication is the key.
    In this workshop you’ll learn and practice communication strategies that effectively build trust and motivate learners to learn and even take more responsibility. We will look at several common classroom situations and explore ways of dealing with them.
    The strategies are easily transferrable to any kind of communication with other people outside of classroom environment.
    Yelena Tsimbalyuk
    Giving feedback
    The art of giving feedback is often underestimated. What is there to give? Just tell them what you think, that’s it. Or rather, embellish all good stuff and NOT tell them what you think because you’re afraid to sever an important relationship.
    In my talk, I will explain how to keep this fragile balance of actually giving honest feedback and boosting the person’s self-esteem. I will also equip you with a go-to strategy on how to give feedback at any level.
    Yulia Svetikova
    Conflict resolution: should you stay away from drama?
    Conflicts accompany us in our lives wherever we go and whether we want to avoid them or not (I've always been the one who tries to stay away from drama). In my workshop I want to share my view on formation of a conflict that might help you to prevent it and practice few strategies to resolve an existing one.
    Questions and sharing
    How much do we know now about communicative skills?
    Goodbyes and selfies
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    Your participation on March, 2 2024 in Moscow

    8 800
    By pressing this button you agree with terms of personal data processing and confidential policy

    If you have a promo code, click the button below and then search for the symbol of the basket in lower right corner. Click it, follow the steps and don't forget to confirm your discount. You will see the price change before you pay.

    If you
    - have no opportunity to join offline
    - understand all the risks of online connection,
    you can opt for joining via Zoom on March, 2 from 10 am to 6 pm (+3 gmt)

    Practical sessions will be supervised by our online moderators

    - the same programme as with offline part
    - you will see the presentation on shared screen AND the conference hall
    - the sound will be transmitted as it is from the conference hall

    Group ticket for 3 colleagues

    - offline participation for 3 people
    - 8300 R each instead of 8800 R

    Please use your valid e-mail. This is our only way of communication. We'll be writing from our official e-mail

    Shall you have any questions, please connect with the organising team via e-mail or social networks.

    The venue

    Moscow, metro station Paveletskaya / Serpukhovskaya
    Stremyannyj pereulok, 11
    March, 2

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