English-speaking SPACE for teachers

communication, networking
and self-development


Welcome to SELF Space!

Are you looking for an online space that unites teachers, gives you a community of like-minded colleagues and helps to practice English? Then join us!
Welcome to SELF Space!
SELF Space is the English-speaking part of Project SELF
In the past, we have organised a number of events for teachers and edupreneurs in English (meet-ups, conferences, bookclubs etc.), but then had to pause and concentrate on other parts of the project. Now the time has come to revive and recreate.
Use your English outside the classroom in a friendly teachers' community
What do you do for yourself in English? Here you can read books and share your teaching ideas, watch films connected to education or self-development, discuss burning ELT or life topics. You will find new friends and make new connections.

SELF Space timetable for 1 month

Zoom (till May 2023):
- Wednesdays 3 or 6 pm +3gmt
- Bookclub every 4th Sunday 11am +3gmt

Week 1

Teacher's Way
Let's meet a colleague and learn about their views and experience
Announcing what we read for SELF Bookclub and watch for SELF Filmclub
Non-fiction mostly, related to teaching or methodology. In English, but can be in Russian too.

Week 2

SELF Filmclub
Let's discuss the announced film and what we think
Publishing material for Discussion Club
An article or a video, with a list of vocabulary and questions

Week 3

Discussion Club
Time to discuss the topic and share opinions

Week 4

a practical workshop by a SPACE-member
SELF Bookclub
Let's share the best ideas from the book and the burning questions

What else?

Reviews and summaries
students' books, books and courses on methodology
Speaking practice
a coffee break to speak English with colleagues
Marathons and practices
we are planning to organise activities every 2 months

What you'll get:


regular and safe time and space to practice your English


communication with other teachers with different backgrounds


a smart way to discuss teaching ideas


practical implementation of English for self-development


space to share what you feel and think about teaching


a collection of ideas and materials


space to shine - offer a book or a film, start a topic, share material or hold a Speaking Club meet-up

There are 2 ways to join SELF Space

VKontakte aka VK

- we meet on Zoom
- we connect and chat on VK (a social network)

Telegram aka TG

- we meet on Zoom
- we connect and chat on TG

Здесь новости и эфиры (*запрещено на территории РФ)
Канал Telegram

Здесь отобранная информация и чат комьюнити

Здесь жизнь комьюнити и календарь мероприятий



SELF проект для современных преподавателей
ИП Панфилова К.П.